Friday 18 January 2008

Optimus Maximus

Doesn't the title of this post leads you into believing that this post has something to do with Transformers? :P The successor of Optimus Prime maybe? :D

Anyway, Optimus Maximus is the name of the latest high-end keyboard (not the music kind of course, but something you type your emails with). :D It's so high-tech I feel I'm NOT going to get one. haha..

High-Tech = A LOT OF MONEY! *istroke*

But well, for those with a lot of money, check out the video below for a quick rundown and demo of this latest toy before you buy one on impulse. ;) For the rest of us folks, it's drool time! :P~~~~~~


Anonymous said...

wow i'm surprised how people manage to make everything so complicated. LOL. and for that price i can get an entire CPU at sim lim. LOL

Lionel Low said...

yeah totally think so too. Just a freaking keyboard can. :P

I would rather get a brand new custom configured ASUS laptop, which is even cheaper than than that stupid keyboard I think. :D