Showing posts with label Lighthouse Evangelism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lighthouse Evangelism. Show all posts

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Lord Reign In Me

HAHA! Didn't expect our church's worship video to land in youtube! Wonder if there's any copyright infringement, but oh well, I'm enjoying this song so much. :P

This worship service was on New Year's Eve, our Watchnight Service counting down to 2009. Try to spot me in the video! ;)

Thursday, 7 August 2008

The Singapore Song

This is a song composed and sung by my church's Senior Pastor Rony Tan.

I really want to thank God for this heart of his, for it really inspired and touched me deeply. For many years of my life, National Day probably just meant a plain and simple public holiday; a day to have fun and be free.

The question is how are we able to experience the fun and freedom now, if our forefathers never paid the price? It was a price that we could *never* comprehend or experience; the pain, suffering, poverty and struggle. How many of us actually know how it feels like to _struggle to survive_?

Even as I write this post, strong emotions are crashing upon my heart. I'm thankful for God's protection over this land, that we may have peaceful days, a clean government with no known corruption, an island that's free from natural disasters, and a considerably safe society that we can be assured of our safety when we're out on the streets.

All these are things that are too easy to be taken for granted when we are born and raised in a time of peace. With this song, I do feel a lot more appreciative for this land that I stay and live in. This is the place that I call...


Saturday, 22 March 2008

Good Friday Aftermath

And so it all wraps up yesterday. :D

It was three months worth of weekly rehearsals, with the songs stuck in my head no matter where I was, be it traveling on the road, relaxing at home, or working in the office. After investing so much time into memorising the lyrics and learning the tenor parts of the songs, they left such a deep impression that they bring back sweet reminiscence with every playback. :)

Even the choreography for the songs affected our future decisions for choices in dance moves and steps. :D (For example, today's Miracle Service~ :P)

The warmth of ministering to God's people, the joy that raises from within, the souls that were won, the cheers of the crowd, the enlightening message, the touching mime performance, together with the God anointed atmosphere, I nearly dint want the service to end.

To sum everything up, it was an unforgettable Good Friday. :)

A little side info, I dint realise that we were featured on Channel News Asia! :D Watch the news video here!

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Good Friday 2008: Watch The Lamb

Today finally marked my maiden performance on stage! Haha.. It didn't turn out as scary as I thought though! Thank God for that! I wasn't even nervous to begin with. haha.. Maybe I was too yaya papaya already~ :P

This coming Friday, 21 March, will be another important milestone for me in serving in my ministry. For the past 3 months we've been practicing weekly for the songs, parts, and choreography. I'm very certain it's going to be a blast! *whoohoo!*

I'm happy to invite all of you to come and join me in giving praise and glory to God! Give me a call or sms if you are coming! I'll be more than happy to provide directions. :))

Monday, 10 March 2008

I'm Performing!

The key highlight of this week, and of course the reason for this post, is that I'm finally going to perform in the Miracle Service this Saturday! This day had finally arrived! :D

However, because this Saturday coincides with the annual Manila Miracle Revival, my performance may or may not happen, depending on the smoothness and clarity of the transmission from Manila via satellite.

With no obligations, do come to my church, Lighthouse Evangelism, at either the Woodlands or Tampines branch, and experience the mighty healing power of God! :D

(Of course, try to come to the Woodlands branch la... Can maybe see me wor! :P)