Monday, 4 June 2007

History Panel in Flash IDE

Ever tried the History Panel in Flash IDE? :)

Even though the history panel made it's way into Flash since the MX 2004 days, I couldn't find a good reason to use it. I mean, why would I need an extra panel to clutter up my screen estate when it's already tough to juggle between the designer and developer related panels? I could easily do a Ctrl-Z(Undo) and Ctrl-Y(Redo) at any time that I want~

Well, time has changed. :D Since I've started messing around with JSFL, the history Panel becomes the basic tool to learn JSFL commands. Don't believe me? Follow me through then. ;)

1. In Flash IDE, go to Window --> Other Panels --> History (Ctrl-F10)

History Panel Normal
2. Click on the options button Options Button, under View, you should see a menu as follows:

History Options Dropdown
The Default view that you see, shows the commands in normal layman English that everyone will understand. I have still yet to find any purpose with the Arguments in Panel view, so I'm gonna skip that. The JavaScript in Panel view is what we're interested with.

3. Here's the JavaScript in Panel view.

History Panel JavaScript
Did you notice the lines and lines of codes in the history panel now? Well those are JSFL codes! If there's something that you wish to create for Flash IDE, and have no slightest idea where to begin, yet you know that there's something similar been done already, you now know where to look!

Further Reads:
Using History and Flash Panels for Faster Development

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