Monday 25 February 2008

Optimus Maximus Revisited

Roughly about a month ago I first blogged about this Optimus Maximus keyboard, and raved on its customisability, and the keys that look so nice and sleek, and it being so expensive and stuff.

Well here's the latest update from engadget. It showcases how to set it up, configure it for different applications that you want to run, and also how to use it.

After having a serious look at it this time, and thinking it through, I feel that this keyboard quite possibly serves no additional purpose for me than what a regular keyboard will offer. :D Here's why.

Firstly, I type without looking at the keyboard. In all its glory of customisability, I most likely won't be able to enjoy it.

Secondly, I feel that too much time can be wasted to customise the different layouts. I guess for me, a simple QWERTY keyboard with all the keys properly laid out is so much easier to use. Making the alphabets quirky with strange fOntS, sizes and colours are totally beyond me. :P

Lastly, judging from the looks of it, it looks both expensive and uses more electricity than conventional keyboards. Why would I want that either? :/

Other than being a nice piece of eye candy (seriously nice one at that!) that you can put around the house, which might probably earn you the bragging rights of having one of the coolest keyboards around town, I seriously find no practical use of it.

Not too sure if everyone feels the same way as I do. But well, these are just my thoughts. ;)


yplim said...

hey check this out:

Lionel Low said...

the outlook is exotic, but so is the price tag! :S