Tuesday, 26 February 2008






Monday, 25 February 2008

Optimus Maximus Revisited

Roughly about a month ago I first blogged about this Optimus Maximus keyboard, and raved on its customisability, and the keys that look so nice and sleek, and it being so expensive and stuff.

Well here's the latest update from engadget. It showcases how to set it up, configure it for different applications that you want to run, and also how to use it.

After having a serious look at it this time, and thinking it through, I feel that this keyboard quite possibly serves no additional purpose for me than what a regular keyboard will offer. :D Here's why.

Firstly, I type without looking at the keyboard. In all its glory of customisability, I most likely won't be able to enjoy it.

Secondly, I feel that too much time can be wasted to customise the different layouts. I guess for me, a simple QWERTY keyboard with all the keys properly laid out is so much easier to use. Making the alphabets quirky with strange fOntS, sizes and colours are totally beyond me. :P

Lastly, judging from the looks of it, it looks both expensive and uses more electricity than conventional keyboards. Why would I want that either? :/

Other than being a nice piece of eye candy (seriously nice one at that!) that you can put around the house, which might probably earn you the bragging rights of having one of the coolest keyboards around town, I seriously find no practical use of it.

Not too sure if everyone feels the same way as I do. But well, these are just my thoughts. ;)

Friday, 22 February 2008

我的黑色牛奶 (BM)








一直以来,我都是家里所领养的狗的命名之父,它也不例外。一身黑白混杂的毛发,我头头为它启了“B&W”,也就是“Black & White”的简称。哪儿知才过了不久,便觉得叫起来一点也不顺口。不知为何第一个念头就是用牛奶自然的米白色代替它身上的白。取而代之的就是“Black Milk”,或“BM”为简称。














Wednesday, 20 February 2008


Tuesday, 19 February 2008








Thursday, 14 February 2008









Wednesday, 13 February 2008


好久好久没用华文来写任何东西了,感觉好陌生。学生时期的我非常厌倦华文的复杂,因此选择了逃避,造成成绩不理想的局面。多亏在我中三那年的级任老师,她那不愿放弃我的精神成就出今时今日的我。虽然我对华文仍然不是很好,但比起当初已是判若两人。哈哈,你是无法想象得啦! :P


Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Inputing Han Yu Pin Yin In XP

Ermz... A bit shy in posting this post. haha.. Cos probably even kids nowadays know how to configure it already? :P (kids are so smart de wor these days!)

Well I got a bit lost in the Regional and Language Options in the Control Panel, till I had no choice but to google for a solution. Came across a few non-related articles before finding this. ;) Now I'm finally able to type chinese on my computer! *w00t!*

I haven't been writing anything in chinese for very long, so if you're wondering why, hehe.. it wouldn't be long before you find out. :P

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Happy Lunar New Year To ALL!!!

Dong dong dong chiang!!

Early on big year day one (大年初一), here's wishing all my friends and readers a joyous and prosperous new year! May all things wonderful fall into place in your life, and money source roll roll in (财源滚滚来)! :D

Hmm... I'm sure I can think of more greetings.. :P

New year quick happy! 新年快乐!
Everything also as you wish! 万事如意!
Everything also as you please! 事事顺心!
Nice dreams become real! 美梦成真!
Heart think things become! 心想事成!
Congrats and grow money! 恭喜发财!
Attract money flow in treasures! 招财进宝!
Body healthy! 身体健康!
Business prosperous! 生意兴隆!
Money luck expand all across! 财运亨通!
Studies improve! 学业进步!
Step step go higher! 步步高升!
New year in big luck! 新年行大运!

Ok I'm drained liaoz. :P Enjoy your new year guys! *whoohoo!*


Monday, 4 February 2008

The Complaints Choir Singapore

My colleague sent me this via facebook, and I thought it's funny enough to share. :D

We get fined for almost anything
Drivers won't give chance when you want to change lane
The indoors are cold, the outdoors are hot
And the humid air, it wrecks my hair
Those answering machines always make you hold
Only to hang up on you

When a pregnant lady gets on the train
Everyone pretends to be asleep
I'm stuck with my parents till I'm 35
Cause I can't apply for HDB
We don't recycle any plastic bags
But we purify our pee

What's wrong with Singapore?
Losing always makes me feel so sore
Cause if you're not the best
Then you're just one of the rest
My oh my Singapore
What exactly are we voting for?
What's not expressly permitted
is prohibited


When I'm hungry at the food court, I see
People chope seats with their tissue paper
To the auntie staying upstairs:
Your laundry's dripping on my bed sheets
Please don't squat on the toilet seats
And don't clip your nails on MRT

Stray cats get into noisy affairs
At night my neighbor makes weird animal sounds
People put on fake accents to sound posh
And queue up 3 hours for donuts
Will I ever live till eighty five
to collect CPF?


Singaporeans too kiasu! (so scared to lose)
Singaporeans too kiasi! (so scared to die)
Singaporeans too kiabor! (scared of their wives)
Maybe we’re just too stressed out! (even the kids)


Old National Library was replaced by an ugly tunnel
Singaporean men can’t take independent women
People blow their nose into the swimming pool (and pee too)
And fall asleep on my shoulder in the train

Singapore’s national bird is the crane (the one with yellow steel girders)
Real estate agents’ leaflets clogging up my mailbox (en bloc, en bloc, en bloc, en bloc)
Why can’t we be buried when we die?
No one wants to climb Bukit Timah with me


There are not enough public holidays
My neighbor sings KTV all night
Wedding dinners never start on time
My hair is always cut shorter than I want
Channel 5 commercials are way too long
Why do men turn bald?

At first it was to speak more mandarin
Then it was to speak proper English
What’s wrong with my powderful Singlish?

People sit down during rock concerts
We have to pay for tap water at restaurants
ERP gantries are everywhere
But I can still see traffic jams on the road
All the bus stops have tilted benches
Cannot access playboy.com
