Tuesday 3 April 2007

Singapore Certified Experienced Driver

Yeah I finally got certified! hahaha!

Well, of course that's easy~ haha.. to be Singapore Certified Noob Driver was tougher, as I remembered on 3 Apr 2006, was the fateful day that I took my driving test. So much anxiety over the stupid test. :P

Getting Singapore Certified Experienced Driver was simply a maturity of time. wahahaha.. we just had to stay off accidents, and don't break any traffic rules. Even if we break any rules, just don't get caught. haha... even if we do get caught, just don't get an accumulative of minus 13 points in a single year, which is the limit for a Certified Noob Driver.

Now that I'm a Certified Experienced Driver, I have 24 points to spend! Of course, it spans over 2 years now. boooooo.. In many ways though, it's still slightly better. :)

Mum! We can take the stupid looking triangle plate off our car already!

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