Saturday 14 April 2007

About FlashGurus

After using twitter for a while, my network of friends has grown quite considerably. A lot (if not all.. haha) of them are actually flashgurus that I've admired and aspired to be. Ahh... how twitter has allowed me a peek into their lives!

For the benefit of those who have no idea what's a flashguru, here's some definitions:
Flash - Adobe Flash is a software for creating rich, interactive content for digital, web, and mobile platforms.
Guru - a leader in a particular field

In my own definition, a flashguru is someone who is just like anybody in the world, having 24 hours a day, but focuses his/her time in constant research and development. He/she keeps up with the latest technologies, building experimental softwares that increases his/her skill set and knowledge base. Yet, he/she still enjoys life, hanging and chilling out, and also spending time with his/her loved ones.

Flashguru, is a person who had a dream, using his/her passion as a driving force, works hard towards realising that ultimate goal, and finally receives recognition after years of constant labour.

I have that dream. :)

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