Finally I'm back for another post! haha.. Been very busy at work and grabbing whatever little time left I have for Project Flexas, you guys really have to forgive me! :P
Well, the topic for today, is about Podcast. For those non-tech-savvy people, you can follow this link here to read up more about it.
Personally, though I've heard of podcast a few years back, I've not found any purpose to follow the craze (that's the usual me, I dint want to blog in the first place! Check out my first post!). Well, as always, things change. Rather, I change. :D
All thanks to iTunes. :) I was playing around as usual, sorting out my library, and out of nowhere curiosity just welled up from within.
mmm... heard of podcast for so long, might as well check it out now and see what it offers..
What followed was...
Ok I admit a lil' exaggeration over there. :D I was swept away at the number of podcasting channels that I can subscribe to! It's like an information super radio that archives all past episodes, and they're all neatly stored just like a hypermarket! Not to mention that this hypermarket offers them at no charge! :P
It was a fair trade off. Within that few hours that I lost sleep over with, what I gained were days that did not have a single dull moment. On the trip to work, back home, even when I'm back home, podcasts empower me with weekly church sermons, enrich me with technology and software tricks and tips, and finally update me with current affairs.
Here is the list of podcast that I subscribe to at the moment:
Christian Faith
- Holy Trinity Brompton Sunday Talks
- Hillsong Church - Brian Houston
- Mars Hill Bible Church
- Worship Central Podcast
- Adobe Creative Suite Video Podcast
- boagworld.com: Web Design Podcast
- Digital Planet
- Stuff Mag's Podcast
- The Flex Show
- PittMFUG Podcast
- Mike Chambers on Apollo
- Today
Of course there's much more that I want to subscribe to, just need to clear some space from my computer or get a new external hard drive. :P
At the moment, I own a 1st gen 2GB ipod nano (left). It has been a faithful companion to me throughout my army days and is still serving me very well.
Unfortunately, technology caught up and it seems the time has come to start thinking about a new ipod which is able to play video podcast, with more space to play with. :P I've uncovered so many video podcast channels that I just want to be able to update myself with, wherever I go!
Still considering between an ipod nano or ipod. So please kind readers, LEAVE A COMMENT! Let me know which would you personally like and if not too much of a trouble, why. No prizes though. :P
Thanks in advance!
Of course, I'm not a heartless person. hehe.. My ipod nano, my faithful servant. You're still gonna be around me wherever I go. I still love the fact that you're cool, you're black, you've a red jog dial, you're small and I have no qualms to put you in my pocket, and last but not least, you shine in the dark. :D