Korean Boy Singing "Touch My Body"
haha.. I don't exactly know what to say. *loL~*
Pretty funny stuff. :D
(Because the youtube logo blocks some funny subtitles, I would recommend you go watch the video on the youtube page itself.)
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13
haha.. I don't exactly know what to say. *loL~*
Pretty funny stuff. :D
(Because the youtube logo blocks some funny subtitles, I would recommend you go watch the video on the youtube page itself.)
Posted by Lionel Low at 15:06 1 comments
Awesome stuff! :D
Posted by Lionel Low at 10:46 0 comments
Labels: Advertising, Videos
While I was rummaging through my MSN received files, I came across the lyric to this song called "Jesus, Lover Of My Soul". I could only vaguely remember who sent it to me, but I should be correct in my guess. :)
Anyway, that's not important. :D Here's the lyric to the song, and may God's blessings be showered upon open hearts! Amen!
Jesus, Lover of my soul
Jesus, I will never let You go
You've taken me from the miry clay
You've set my feet upon the Rock
and now I know
I love You, I need You
Though my world may fall
I'll never let You go
My Saviour, my closest Friend
I will worship You until the very end
Posted by Lionel Low at 22:48 1 comments
Not that I'm spacing my day out, but I'm not getting much things done either. Too many things were crying out for attention in my mind that I just have to pour them out to my to-do lists. These in turn, requires clearing up too, but at the very least, they are no longer mind-bugging me for now. :S
It's amazing how much rubbish one can accumulate if there's no habitual clean ups. I used to have the constant self reminding discipline to clean things up but as some areas of my life, like work or my responsibilities, got busier, other areas suffered.
There's no secret now aye? My room *IS IN A MESS*. Neglected for too long, but I've been lazy for even longer. And guess what? Time flew so fast that the year is already drawing to an end. With no intention to spend my December holidays in that mess hole of mine, the decision was made.
Unbearable, I started clearing last night. Plowed through stacks of insurance papers, advertisements, newspapers, invoices, taxes, receipts, bills, snail mail spams, magazines, books, blah~ Lying on the floor were paper bags, collected either from events that I had attended or remnants after retail therapy. MY GOSH!
2 weeks is my deadline, and I planned to work on the serious load of crap everyday. There's no wonder that there's no photo to show you the embarrassing state of my room, *loL~*, but then again, I don't think I'll ever post any photos of my room _anyway_. :P
Posted by Lionel Low at 16:45 0 comments
Labels: General
I'm feeling pretty awesome today. It could be the fact that it had been a joyous weekend spent in church being with my Father and siblings-in-Christ, could also be the nap that I stole in the afternoon, or could just be the worship songs that I'm listening to now. :)
Anyway, I wanted to write this post about two weeks ago, on Oct 31, but I just got too busy. The reason for this post is let you get a little into my life and understand "why am I always so busy?" *loL~*
If you check out over at my resume at linkedin.com, it should give you a small hint.
Obviously at the moment, I'm working full-time at my current job, five days a week. Come every weekend, I have committed my time to serve in the choir of my church. This of course is nothing new. :)
For the past year till now, I am also in the committee of the Singapore Flex Usergroup, which is a local technology focused group on Adobe Flex. We are not just a technology focused group though; we just organised the first ActionScript conference in Singapore, called The ActionScript Conference (TAC). It was a really good experience to be involved in organising the conference in Singapore, with all the event planning and stuff. :)
The reason why I wanted to write this post in October is because in the last month, I have *three* new responsibilities now.
When Frank, the product manager of FDT came down to TAC, we hit right off. Since I was very enthusiastic about their product, we had a great chat over it, but I never thought that would land me as FDT's Official Technology Evangelist! You can see the official announcement at their blog.
Ryan from the Singapore Flash Usergroup, which is another technology focused group except that it's on Adobe Flash, contacted me last month as well. He asked if I was interested to be the usergroup's co-manager! It was awesome if you ask me, because I've been messing with Flash since 5 years ago and am ever passionate about the entire flash eco-system. Naturally, I said "yes". :)
My final new responsibility is the one which I felt was a high calling from God. My cell group leaders mentioned to me last month about roping me in to co-lead our cell group. I felt inadequate at first, but thought it should not be my will that is to be done, but God's. You can read my entire post over at my cell group's blog.
Other than this blog, I still maintain other blogs like my walk with God at flashmechchristianwalk.blogspot.com, my tech blog at blog.flashmech.net, and lastly my cell group's blog at infaithwithlove.blogspot.com.
That's a whole lot of new stuff in my life, but I am encouraged daily with this verse from my Father's love letter to me, which you can also see at the masthead too.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Posted by Lionel Low at 22:38 2 comments