I can't believe that I've gotten so busy lately that even my personal blog has been brought to a nasty halt, and started collecting digital dust! I wish I had more time for more things, but oh well, we got real jobs to do. :D
Anyway, today marks the anniversary of me working at Radixs! waa... Suddenly I feel the year passed so quickly. Exactly a year ago, I was just out of army, looking around for a good job that I can utilise and expand my programming skills (You know la, after 2 years of army, things get a little rusty. :P).
Till today, I'm still very glad that I found this job at Radixs, which had been absolutely tough, steep learning curve, and possibly everything that I never expected I will be doing. Why am I glad? Well because since I survived, it only meant that I grew! :P
From procedural programming, I advanced to writing modular codes through Object-Oriented Programming. For a period I was totally obsessed with Design Patterns, and then I learnt about different frameworks for deployment of projects, and animation engines to tween using codes. I've also gotten the chance to develop in the company's latest project with Flex and Cairngorm!
Looking back, before I entered, I was writing AS1 codes. Several months down the road I learnt and adapted to AS2. Recently AS3 and MXML are the main tools of the trade. haha.. talk about the pace man!
Thanks to great bosses and colleagues, the time here has been made absolutely wonderful and fruitful. Would like to extend special thanks to Arul, for his guidance and invaluable experience, which hopefully some had rubbed off on me. *chuckles* Oh.. for those who didn't know, I came in on the same day with Arul. :D
Ok la.. today is a happy day. :D But I still have to get back to work. Deadlines are real, and I still have real stuff left to complete. haha..