Tuesday 29 May 2007

Charlotte's Web

How many people had grown up without reading Charlotte's Web? haha.. Well, I'm one of those few. Since young, I really dint like to read, which probably explains why my English is horrible! :P

As I said, since this is the first time I get in touch with this story, on many levels I'm not distracted by what the book actually wrote, how the plot unfolds, and more importantly, no spoilers. :D

The story is a simple and straightforward one. Of trust, loyalty, and sacrifice between friends. Do not judge a person by its cover, like how Wilbur sees Charlotte. Charlotte in turn teaches us that promises made are to be kept. Their dynamic relationship creates a spark that changes everything in their town, both human and animals.

If we apply those precious lessons to our lives, wouldn't that make our world a better place to live in? ;)

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