Thursday, 26 June 2008

Joy I Can't Contain

These days I've been very tired from work, stress and personal commitments, but this news is very uplifting to me and so, I have to share it (even though it's near 2am already!).

Last Saturday, my cell leader had just proposed to well, my assistant cell leader *lol~*, and she agreed! :D When I first heard the news just a couple of hours ago, I was so filled with joy for them, I just couldn't stop myself from smiling silly. :P

Made my thought lines travel back to roughly about 2 years ago, when I first joined this cell group. Through the months and years I saw how they worked and progressed as a couple, supporting each other through every difficult circumstance.

Realistically speaking, more often than not we hear more of break ups and unhappiness than we hear good news, which is why it's really very encouraging to know about the place they are at now. :)

To see two people who carry the same faith in Christ Jesus tying the knot of happiness, and when it's two people who are so close to me, I'm just in a state of over-saturated sweetness right now (my brain must have released too much endorphins!). It's funny why I'm feeling so happy for them though. haha... It's them who are getting married! Not me! :P

I just pray that God will continue to shower His blessings amply upon the both of them, and that they continue to grow towards Him and towards each other in their many future years to come.

I'm really blessed to have such great news befall on my ears tonight~ :)

Thursday, 5 June 2008

I Want To Blog!!!!

And so I did~ *loL~*

It's pretty amazing, but I've already been on my current job for 6 months already! I hate to repeat but it's just so true, time really flies.

In about 4 months and 2 weeks time, I would have officially worked for 2 years already. What have I accomplished, the things that I look forward to, the inspirations and the countless aspirations are the things which I will be reflecting upon. Next year I'll be 25, and it seems to be a great year for greater things to come. :D

In the upcoming 1 and a half months though, I will be entering full throttle in preparation for my competition. It's really taking up a huge part of my time now, as reading and upgrading my skill set becomes an everyday affair. The materials are stacked so high I feel I'm back in school studying for a major exam. haha.. Funny how a little competition can drive me so hard. ;)

Anyway, I kinda finally guessed what kind of blogger am I. Spill-forth-random-thoughts, organise-it-later, and too-lazy-to-slowly-upload-photos type. Not too sure if it's too lazy or too busy regarding the photos part; I can't be sure these days. I get so busy till I just wanna stone around and do nothing. You guys experience that too?

Half of 2008 had passed, if you had new year's resolutions 6 months ago, how's your progress? If no resolution, then nothing much to think about since there's nothing being thought at the beginning of the year anyway. *loL~*

For myself, I'm glad that I'm still progressing in the direction that I pursued, and in my walk with God too. Would just want to thank God for seeing me through all the tough and trying times, and showing me that His faithfulness is so real. :)

Praise God!